
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

chinise language week

 Ni Ni Hao👋throughout the week we had 4 tasks to do for Chinese language week.

for my 1st task i had to make a comic strip i hope you enjoy!


Welcome, everybody, to this great

swimming race to mark His Majesty the Emperor’s

birthday! And what a marvellous day for it, too. We have

some great racers competing for a magnificent prize.

Whats the prize?

Maybe its something we can eat 

I hope its carrots

Carrots? Don’t be ridiculous! It will be something


Sssssssssssomething golden? Ssssssssomething shiny?

Unlike some of you, I’ve been doing some real training –

one hundred laps every day.

But it might be what gives the

upper hand – or upper hoof, I should say!

 A golden carrot!

 Whatever it is, I’m going to win it.

You sound very confident, 

How have you all been preparing for this race?

I’ve been practising blowing bubbles in the water.


You’re cutting things fine, Rat.

. I tried to get here as fast as possible. Have I missed

the race?

. No, we’re still waiting for the Emperor to arrive.

. Where’s Cat?

 I haven’t seen Cat since last night.

. But weren’t the two of you travelling here together?

(nervously). She was still fast asleep when I left this

morning. I’m sure she’ll be here any second. I’d better go

and change into my swimming togs.

. Rat is acting a little suspiciously.

. You’re right. Something doesn’t add up.

. Why didn’t he wake Cat?

. He knows how important this big race is.

. I smell ... a rat!

. Sssssabotage!

t doesn’t matter. You snooze; you lose. Anyway, I don’t

think a teeny, tiny rat could ever win this race.

.  can be very fast when they need to be.. There’s no way a rat can beat me. I’ll cross that finish line

before Rat has even started.

 returns, wearing his swimming togs.

, you’re the smallest creature here.

Some might say you’re the underdog – or the under-rat –

of the race.

. Well, I’ve trained hard, and I think my size might

actually help.

. Some of the other animals don’t

consider you a threat. What do you think your chances

are today?

. I think I’ve got just as much chance as any of them.

Marvellous! Well, best of luck to you,

Now, I’ve just received word that His Majesty the

Emperor is about to arrive.

Thank you, you’re all too kind. Welcome

everyone to the great race! I know the competitors have

all been working hard for this moment, and the winner

will be rewarded with a great and wonderful prize.. The race is about to start. There is a

lot of tension and excitement in the air!

The animals line up along the start line. Most are looking

nervous. appear confident.

 Get ready, everyone! On your marks ...

Get set ... Go!

. What a dramatic start to the race!

Ox has taken the lead, but it looks like Tiger and Rabbit

– yes, Rabbit – aren’t far behind.

. How exciting!

. This is harder than I thought!. Give up now, Rabbit – this is my race to win!

. Don’t be so sure,

 That’sss cheating!

. Your Majesty, is this allowed?

. This is my race, so I say ... I’ll allow it!

As the animals reach the finish line, they begin to move

and talk in slow motion.

. What’s happening?

. Why are we all moving sssssooooo


. Because this is more dramatic!

. That’sss cheating!

 Your Majesty, is this allowed?

 This is my race, so I say ... I’ll allow it!

As the animals reach the finish line, they begin to move

and talk in slow motion.

. What’s happening?

. Why are we all moving sssssooooo


. Because this is more dramatic!

OX is out in the lead with RAT trailing

behind, holding on to the rope. RAT uses

the rope to pull himself closer to OX.

As OX nears the finish line, RAT leapfrogs

over OX to take the lead.

. What’s this? Unbelievable – Rat has

just leapt over Ox to take the lead!

OX. Nooooo!

RAT crosses the finish line, winning the race, followed by

a dejected OX and then TIGER.

THE EMPEROR (shaking RAT’s hand). Congratulations, Rat!

For your cunning method of winning the race, I award

you ... first place in the Chinese zodiac.

RAT (pausing for a second). Ha ha, good one! What’s the real


THE EMPEROR (frowning). That is the prize. Why? Don’t you

like it?

RAT (hurriedly). Of course, your Majesty. What a great

honour. Thank you so much!

CAT appears, looking very angry.

CAT. You – Rat! Why didn’t you wake me up? I missed the

race because of you!

RAT. I ... I ...

RAT darts off.

CAT. Come back here, you sneaky Rat!

CAT chases after RAT.

TIGER. I don’t think Cat is going to forgive Rat in a hurry!

THE COMMENTATOR. Well, what an exciting way to end this

broadcast. It’s been a great day! Congratulations, racers,

and to everyone at home – thanks for watching!

For my second task i had to create a slideshow about one animal from my culture and one animal from china i hope you enjoy!

For my 3rd task i had to do a drawing i hope you enjoy

For my 4th task i had to write my name in Chinese i hope you enjoy!

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