
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

SLJ fishing false teeth

 today for the summer learning i made a comic about people fishing but they find false teeth instead of fish so they could not talk here is my comic enjoy! because they could not talk i just put mmmmmmmmm in instead 

Monday, December 14, 2020

maths t4 wk10

 today for maths we made patterns and we had to make 2 and put those 2 on our blog for you guys to guess them and here is mine 

Monday, December 7, 2020

summer learning journey

 today i made a drawing for my start of the summer learning journey 

this is the colouring i copied off

i changed this colour to pink because i thought it would quite good with yellow and orange

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Auckland BBQ comp for kids

 throughout the weekend i went to Auckland and competed in a kids NZ BBQ competition their was 11 kids competing. First we had to get our lamb chops and cover it with our rub and put our secret weapon on (McDonald's salt) and then we put it on a big barbecue then waited for the lamb to get to 115 degrees then we took it off and let it cool down then we put it in a mini barbecue and waited for it to get to 138.7 degrees then we took them off and dipped them in our second secret weapon (Rosemarie butter) then we had to pick two out of four to put in a box and bring it carefully to the judge then they tried it and made the score each person got in a place from 1 to 11 and i got 3rd place! then i had a few photos with my trophy so here it is!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

why is there no gravity in space

 throughout the week i made a slideshow about why there is no gravity in space and what would happend if there was no gravity on earth