
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

easter holidays

today i made chalk 

i did planting in the garden

i  had the best cat toy ever she says

i made Easter baskets for a Easter hunt

i made Easter bunny's


  1. Hey buddy, shame that our chalk turned our more like rubber crystals! But you have done some pretty cool things this lockdown and I now know where to find your blog.

    1. thanks mum xxxxxxxxxxxx oooooooooooooooooo

  2. thx mum love you xxxx ooo

  3. Hi Lathan, Mrs T here, hope all is well in your lockdown bubble. It looks like you have been really busy with lots of different things. I would like to know how you made the Chalk? Also what seeds did you plant? Did the cat play the game with you? Your Easter baskets and Bunnies look cool. Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing more blogs from you.

    Take care

    Mrs T

    1. hi Mrs T i made the chalk with 1 and a half cups of corn flower
      1 cup of water and food colouring yes she did play with me and she won 9-2 i also planted carrots zucchini and corn thanks

      take care bye

  4. Hi Lathan. Mrs W here. I am very interested in how you made chalk. Perhaps you could put the recipe/instructions on here too. What are you going to do with the chalk now you have made it?
    I look forward to hearing more.

    1. hi Mrs W i made it with 1and a half cups of cornflower 1cup of water and food colouring and it didnt go well

      take care

    2. Oh dear Lathan. Perhaps I won't try that then

  5. Hi Lathan its Nicole. It looks like you have been very busy creating in your bubble. I really like how you made your own chalk my favorite colour would have to be the orange one it looks like the sun, very cool!
    I cant wait to see what other amazing creations you come up with.

    1. hi Nicole my favorite was the teal and black spots t

      take care


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