
Thursday, April 30, 2020

school and tasks

treasure hunt

feathers on my treasure hunt

pillow tower getting tackled down by me

taller then the biggest adult in my house and me

doing an owl puzzle

couloring in page


  1. Hi Lathan.
    Wow I love your pictures. I bet you had fun on your treasure hunt.
    I have been walking my dog Milly and going for bike rides. I have also been doing jigsaws. I have done some 500 piece ones and I am now onto 1000 pieces ones. I have just started my 6th jigsaw which is a 1000 piece one.
    Keep up the great work on your blog. See you when we get back to school.

  2. You have been an active child - particularly hunting out all our pillows to make that tower!

  3. thanks mum xx oo

  4. Hi Lathan
    I love the picture of the flowers that you coloured in, do you know the names of any of those flowers?


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