
Thursday, September 24, 2020

writing challenge

 hello throughout the week i did a challenge the challenge was i have to get twelve points out of nine tasks 3 were 4 points 3 were 3 points and 3 were 2 points and with all of these i choose to do 2 four points 1 3 point and 2 2 points 

Friday, September 18, 2020

5 create tasks for Maori language week

 throughout the week we were doing create tasks that were related to Maori because it is Maori language week  

Thursday, September 17, 2020

student summit 2020

 today i was in the student summit for 2020 and i was really excited to watch all the different schools from the uru manuka cluster make a presentation of stuff that they know about that they could teach the other schools like mine 

i choose to do 

scratch maths from my school wigram primary 

then i did storyboard that from hornby primary

after that we had a break for morning tea 

then i did creating comics from yaldhurst model school 

after that i did hornby primary again for mihi maker 

here is the start of my story creator 

Monday, September 14, 2020

posting a biteable

 today i made a biteable about electronics 

Friday, September 11, 2020

coke and salt science experiment

 for my science experiment i made my own experiment.i decided to do coke and salt and see if the egg would float

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Harold the green turtle


Harold the green turtle 

Harold is a green turtle who has a very small head.

He is very slow and loves to explore.

But he is very clumsy because sometimes he falls off rocks and lands on his back and can't flip back onto his feet.

Every day after lunch Harold goes for a walk.

Today he meets a very cheeky monkey.

The monkey told him that there were snails down by a waterfall”go and look over the edge”said the monkey.

Then he went to the waterfall and peeps over the precipice.

Then the monkey shoves him and over he goes.ahhhhhhh!


Harold can feel the dusty sand on his back.

He can smell the snails but he is hurt really bad so he cant get them 


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Tongan language week


today i am going to tell you about 10 facts of Tonga hello today i made a glossary and put Tongan words in to make a animation 

improper fractions and mixed fractions

 hello today i will be telling you about improper fractions and mixed fractions

 improper fractions are when the numerator is higher than the denominator

Mixed fractions are when you convert them into one full and how many is left over 

Let me show you converting an improper fraction to a mixed fraction

22/3 it would be 7 holes and ⅓ left over

Friday, September 4, 2020

organic recycling and rubbish

hello today i will be sharing a slideshow with you about what goes in what bin